Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog 41 Compelling

So my article will be on how the changes in the Middle East affect us, people living halfway across the world; over the Atlantic. I’ll try to validate the argument at first by pathos, logos and ethos. By pathos, the idea is only personal because I have been to Egypt. It will be personal for most people living in the Middle East because they can identify what the Egyptians are going through. Any people living under autocracy can find the common ground. However it should be personal for young people like us because even though we have tons of stuff to do here, we should remember people; with lives just like us are doing amazing things right now, over there. 

By Logos, the article is logical because it presents the established demands of a group of people. I am clearly on the side of restoration of democracy. This demand can be argued both from the side of prudence and moral. In either case, the logical conclusion is that the establishment of a proper democracy will lead to the enhanced betterment of the Egyptian people. Logically the only opposition would be the fear of a radical Islamic takeover. The counter to this would be caution, monitoring and trust in the Egyptian culture and heritage.

By Ethos, the idea is tantalizing. Egypt has often been seen as a cradle of civilization. With such sophistication it is often difficult to place this country in league with other Arab nations and rightly so. Egypt is special and it can be a catalyst of change in the Middle East. With their educated secular youth and relatively secular system, Egypt leans toward modernity without damaging its pan Arabic connections,

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually already intersted to know more about your topic, so I think that says a lot.
