Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog 20: Research Paper

The work I read today was probably the most interesting and related directly to the episode “The Day of the Dove”. The article focused on the development of the European Union despite the significant cultural and religious scions that exist within the fabric of Europe. This has been largely successful ironically by the promotion of what is a European stereotype of itself. The notion of belonging to Europe as a single political entity is due to this stronger stereotype.

The article goes on to explain what the definition of a stereotype is. A stereotype according to it is the generalized belief or attribute towards a group of people based on a layman’s understanding of the subject. Essentially a stereotype is a double edged sword. As seen in the episode the negative connotation of the stereotype brings about a polarized divide. Once the difference is bridged the two species collaborate to defeat the external threat.

The conclusion that can be drawn is that people if given the option, be willing to look at the positive stereotype which would reaffirm the bonding of the community. However as in Europe, in times of crisis and danger these bonds will be tested. A country or people who shape ideals that resonate positive stereotypes will reinforce the understanding between the people. Stereotypes are after all great teasers, pushing people to get to know the other side better.

Tavares Ribeiro, Maria Manuela. "Europe of Cultural Unity and Diversity." Eurolimes 9.(2010): 21-27. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 25 Jan. 2011.

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